Quick Start

This guide offers a brief overview of functionality

Install the library

The best way to interact with our API is to use one of our official libraries:

# Install via pip
pip install adata_query


This package is downstream of data loading and assumes a generally typical implementation of adata created using the AnnData package or Scanpy.

import anndata

h5ad_path = "/path/to/your/adata.h5ad"

adata = anndata.read_h5ad(h5ad_path)

Once you have some data, you are ready to interface with adata_query.


This is probably the most useful function in the library and relies on the two functions, below. In short, this function takes a string and returns a matrix by the string, from adata. You can do this in grouped fashion, based on pd.groupby

import adata_query

key = "X_pca" # stored in adata.obsm

data = adata_query.fetch(adata = adata, key = "X_pca")


These functions seem trivial, but they become useful for adding flexibility into more complex workflows.

For some data stored as np.ndarray.

import adata_query

data = adata_query.format(data) # returns np.ndarray


I don't anticipate this function to be widely used beyond its implementation in adata_query.fetch.

import adata_query

key = "X_pca"

attr_key = adata_query.locate(adata, key = key) # attr_key = "obsm"

Example notebook

Try some examples in Google Colab:

Last updated